2006年2月6日 星期一

Volodos 芝加哥音樂會回憶


我聽過Volodos的柴一現場(Tilson Thomas指揮舊金山交響樂團),排山倒海的聲勢,十分驚人。Encore曲,是土耳其進行曲變奏版...決不是錄音室剪接效果,唱片上那不知幾隻手的幻覺都是真的。

如果你覺得他只能彈彈炫技的曲子,那你就錯了。那張與柏林的Rachmaninov 第三號協奏曲附的小曲群,感人至深。 如同他在另一場Chicago獨奏會中所證明的,他的舒伯特,直接自然卻能深深碰觸到作品的核心,此等技藝是他同一世代同儕無法望及項背的。


Sony 之後,如果沒人與他談合約,將會是古典樂迷的重大損失。

2 則留言:

  1. I totally agree!
    I've been in Volodos's performance twice. I forgot about the 2nd one. But his Rach 3 was so amazing (Eisenbach conducting CSO in Ravinia, I sat at the 8th raw in the pavilion)!

  2. I also attended two of his concerts, one with SF orchestra, the other a recital. I must say, he is one of the best living (but often underrated) pianists.

    Your reply reminds me of my "Chicago concert days".
    I truly miss those great concert opportunities, great hall, top-of-the-line musicians. If you're still in Chicago, please seize the moment.
    You're more than welcome to share your concert experiences here.


A Tale of Two CDs

嘗試一下新作法,看看把不同要素的唱片,圈在一起聽,會發生什麼事。 最近要不是淡白戲細 的Weiss,就是被浪頭剷過的Bryars 鋼琴協奏曲,或是 Khachaturian 小提琴協奏曲包藏花心的蠻橫潑辣,很極端。 不是連續的好幾個晚上,Weiss 的魯特琴,治...